Science Committee

Links of Interest

British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BLMLR)

British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BLMLR)

British Divers Marine Life Rescue is an organisation dedicated to the rescue and well being of all marine animals in distress around the UK.... Read More

Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)

Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)

The Cetacean Research and Rescue Unit (CRRU) is dedicated to the understanding, welfare, conservation and protection of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Scottish waters and the marine environment in which they live.... Read More

European Cetacean Society (ECS)

European Cetacean Society (ECS)

The European Cetacean Society (ECS) aims to promote and advance the scientific studies and conservation efforts of marine mammals and to gather and disseminate information about cetaceans to members of the Society and the public at large.... Read More

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) works to improve animal welfare, prevent animal cruelty and abuse, protect wildlife and provide animal rescue around the world. IFAW works to create solutions that benefit both animals and people.... Read More

International Whaling Commission (IWC)

International Whaling Commission (IWC)

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling which was signed in Washington DC on 2nd December 1946. The purpose of the Convention is to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.... Read More

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG)

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG)

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group is dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoise in Irish waters.... Read More

Lighthouse Field Station (University of Aberdeen)

Lighthouse Field Station (University of Aberdeen)

Since 1990, the Lighthouse Field Station has provided a Highland base for the Zoology Department's research and teaching on the ecology of seals, dolphins and other marine wildlife.... Read More

Marine Biological Association (MBA)

Marine Biological Association (MBA)

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is a Learned Society and one of the UK's leading marine biological research institutes. Our mission is to promote scientific research into all aspects of life in the sea and to disseminate to the public the knowledge gained.... Read More

Marine Conservation Society (MCS)

Marine Conservation Society (MCS)

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the UK charity dedicated to caring for our seas, shores and wildlife. MCS campaigns for clean seas and beaches, sustainable fisheries, and protection for all marine life.... Read More

Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)

Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)

The Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) is an innovative, knowledge-based organisation, supporting the development of land-based industries and communities through our specialist research and development resources education and training provision, expert advisory and consultancy services.... Read More

Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)

Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)

SAMS is Scotland's premier marine science research organisation committed to increasing our knowledge and stewardship of the marine environment through research, education, maintenance of research infrastructure, and knowledge transfer. SAMS is based at the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory near Oban on the west coast of Scotland.... Read More

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Looking after all of Scotland's nature and landscapes, across all of Scotland, for everyone.... Read More

Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)

Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)

The Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) provides impartial, independent and innovative science that has high relevance to society. It carries out interdisciplinary research into the biology of marine mammals, trains marine mammal scientists through undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and advises governments, NGOs and industry on conservation issues.... Read More

Sea Watch Foundation

Sea Watch Foundation

Working in close partnership with the public, Sea Watch is a national marine conservation research charity dedicated to the protection of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) around the UK.... Read More

Stonehaven Dolphin Research Trust

Stonehaven Dolphin Research Trust

The Stonehaven Dolphin Research Trust is a locally based cetacean conservation charity. One of the main aims of our studies is the research into the distribution, abundance and behavior of our local cetacean families (pod/school).... Read More

The Marine Mammal Observer Association

The Marine Mammal Observer Association

The Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA) is a non-profit membership-based global affiliation which represents and supports professional Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) including Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators who implement mitigation measures to protect marine life during industry operations.... Read More

The Shark Trust

The Shark Trust

The Shark Trust is the UK charity dedicated to advancing the worldwide conservation of sharks through science, education, influence and action. The Shark Trust is a membership organisation.... Read More

University Marine Biological Station Millport (UMBSM)

University Marine Biological Station Millport (UMBSM)

The University Marine Biological Station Millport (UMBSM) is an institute of the University of London, managed in association with the University of Glasgow. UMBSM is recognised as a National Facility for Marine Biology Fieldwork.... Read More

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), is an international charity dedicated to the conservation and welfare of all whales, dolphins and porpoises.... Read More

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

WWF-UK addresses global threats to people and nature by influencing how governments, businesses and people think, learn and act in relation to the world around us, and by working with local communities to improve their livelihoods and the environment upon which we all depend.... Read More

Marine Wildlife Operators

The WiSe Scheme

The WiSe Scheme

The WiSe scheme is the first and only programme in the UK to offer training and accreditation to boat operators interested in the development of a sustainable form of marine ecotourism. HWDT works closely with WiSe and occasionally delivers training courses on behalf of WiSe in the west of Scotland. HWDT's skipper and first mate are WiSe trained and our operations on board Silurian are WiSe accredited. For boat operators who are 'WiSe' trained follow this link... Read More

Corporate Sponsors

Chiron Scientific Writing

Chiron Scientific Writing provides freelance support for the development of high quality scientific literature. Based on the key principles of transparency and adherence to best practice guidelines, we translate complex scientific data into clear, balanced and clinically relevant publications.... Read More