Silurian under sail
Silurian under sail

Corporate Support

HWDT draws its support and funding from a wide range of sources, including Charitable Trusts, Government Agencies, Companies and the General Public. HWDT is delighted to work with environmentally responsible companies and is grateful for their support.

HWDT’s Corporate Support Scheme helps HWDT’s work and delivers tangible research and education results. HWDT works with the individual requirements of each company and aims to build lasting relationships.

How to get involved

Business support for HWDT makes a real difference to the environment. We offer a wide range of sponsorship ideas and can help when planning a campaign. Please contact us to find out about supporting us.

Promotion Opportunities

Establishing a partnership with HWDT provides your company with many promotion opportunities. Whichever way you decide to support HWDT, the following benefits are available:

  • Certificate of corporate sponsorship 
  • Limited edition print of whale/dolphin 
  • HWDT annual report with acknowledgement of company name 
  • Acknowledgement through the Trust's social media platforms
  • Promotion on HWDT’s website
  • Access to corporate teambuilding aboard Silurian (additional cost) – a unique way to involve your staff and actively help in our research programme
  • Logo coverage in our Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Centre

If you would like to get involved and join our Corporate Supporter Scheme, please contact Gemma Paterson for more details.

Project funding

Alternatively you may choose to sponsor a particular project. Our projects engage a wide variety of audiences and generate considerable press and media attention; sponsorship of particular projects is vital to us and gives your company a personal link to a specific aspect of our work. Examples are as follows, but there are many other projects to choose from:-

  • New sails for our research vessel, Silurian; £7,500
  • 7 days monitoring on the research vessel, Silurian, £3500
  • Visit 10 schools to teach about marine conservation, £1000
  • Organise and run a beach clean for members of the public or school children, £100
  • Measurement instruments, binoculars, photographic equipment, waterproof clothing, etc.

Company Schemes

These raise awareness within an organisation and get employees involved. Examples are in-house fundraising, e.g. a department adopting a dolphin, or joining the ‘Give as You Earn Scheme’. You could also nominate HWDT as your ‘Charity of the Year’.

Gifts in kind

We are always grateful for the support of companies and individuals who wish to donate equipment and goods and provide training or professional services to help us work effectively and efficiently. We are also really happy to receive small gifts that we can use for raffles or to auction.

Team Building Opportunities

The research vessel, Silurian, may also be available for inimitable team building opportunities, or for unique corporate days. Please ask us for details.

Wider business benefits

Corporate competitive advantage – establishing a partnership with HWDT provides your company with many benefits:-

  • Raised profile - By supporting an environmental charity viewed as a cornerstone in its field: in 2016, the Trust appeared in 259 print / online publications including 17 national; 4 radio; 2 television
  • Networking – connect with a growing group of companies who share a socially responsible stance on the environment, and gain access to new audiences
  • Increase in staff morale – current supporters of HWDT report an increased sense of pride and satisfaction working for a company that recognises its environmental impact. We can also arrange presentations to your employees about our work
  • Increase in investment potential – according to the Business in the Environment Survey, 2001, companies who stress their environmental and social performance are more attractive to investors
  • Increased customer support – clients actively favour environmentally responsible companies

Please contact us to find out about supporting HWDT.