Standard Expeditions

2017 Survey Information

Please note that the information listed below is a general overview and subject to change - the area surveyed will be at the discretion of the HWDT crew who will join you aboard and the weather conditions.

Tobermory Expeditions

Allows for the monitoring of the Southern Hebrides (Islay, Jura, Colonsay, Gigha and the slate isles) alongside the Argyll Isles (Mull, Iona, Staff, Treshnish, Tiree and Coll) and the Small Isles (Rum, Eigg, Canna and Muck).

Early-season surveys:

These surveys will monitor for the resident populations of porpoise and bottlenose dolphin, alongside noting the arrival of our seasonal visitors. Spring is a fantastic time to visit the Hebrides with the arrival of thousands of nesting seabirds and generally more settled weather. Shorter daylight hours also mean shorter survey days so a perfect choice for those who want a more relaxed experience.

  • 10th – 16th April: £845 (FULL)

  • 2nd – 8th May: £895 (FULL)

  • 11th – 17th May: £895 (FULL)

Mid-season surveys:
These surveys will monitor the Hebrides during the height of the summer season so you can hope to expect sightings of seasonal visitors (minke whale, common dolphin) as well as basking shark. The hours of daylight are at their maximum so expect long days on survey effort if joining one of our mid-season expeditions.

  • 28th June – 9th July: £1,395 (Only 1 Berth Available)

  • 12th – 20th July: £1,195 (FULL)

  • 14th – 25th August: £1,395 (Only 1 berth available)

Kyle of Lochalsh Expeditions

Departure from Kyle (where the bridge to Skye meets the mainland) allows for the monitoring of the Small Isles, Skye (and its surrounding islands, including the Sound of Raasay – the deepest inshore waters in the UK), Barra, South Uist and the Inner Minch.

  • 5th – 13th June: £1,175 (Limited Availability)

  • 15th – 23rd June: £1,185 (FULL)

Ullapool Expeditions

Ullapool is on the Scottish mainland, far in the north west (where the ferry to Stornoway departs). The area surveyed can include the Outer Hebrides, Skye and the north west coast up to Cape Wrath – the most remote parts of our study area.

  • 31st – 8th September: £1,185 (Only 1 Berth Available)
  • 18th – 29th September: £1,295 (FULL)

Before committing to participating in a Cetacean Research Survey, please read this information about the expedition and what to expect aboard Silurian.

To find out more about a specific expedition, or indeed to book aboard, please complete an online form and our Volunteer Coordinator, Morven Russell, will be in touch with more details.  Alternatively, you can contact Morven directly HERE.