
Thousands of people every year leave gifts in their wills to charities which are special to them. If you have had pleasure or special memories of cetaceans and the Scottish west coast why not help ensure their future by leaving a legacy to HWDT? As a small charity any amount is extremely valuable to us. It really will make a difference.

If you are sure you want to remember HWDT in your will, please include in full HWDT’s name, address and registered charity number. This information can be found on the Contact Us page. You or your solicitor are welcome to contact us, if you wish to discuss your legacy further.

We also welcome donations in memory of loved ones. You can make us a one-off donation at any time, or donate on a regular basis, for example, to commemorate a loved one’s birthday. Click here to make a donation.

Legacies allow HWDT to continue its work in research and education in western Scotland which benefits both people and our marine environment. What is of special benefit is that the income we receive from legacies is unrestricted allowing us to put the funds to the best use at the time.