
One of the Trust’s core aims is to raise awareness and educate a wide variety of people about cetaceans, especially those sighted around the west coast of Scotland.  Therefore we place a high value on media coverage and actively encourage good relationships with journalists.

HWDT has experience in delivering information through a range of media formats; featuring on national television, radio and press (both printed and online). As a non-campaigning organisation we aim to provide a balanced view on cetacean-related matters and events, providing researched information and fact.  We have a professional team available for comment on relevant issues.  Press releases are issued on a regular basis; a full list is available below.

If you are a journalist and would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact us.

Please also find below details of our press coverage over the years. 

During 2008, we welcomed STV's Five Thirty Show onboard Silurian for the day.  Also in 2008,  we featured on BBC Radio Four's Open Country programme, please click here to listen to the recording. 
In May 2010 we welcomed BBC's The One Show onboard to discover more about our harbour porpoise research. 
A three part mini-series about the West Coast Community of orca also appeared on The One Show in January 2013.   

For all media requests please contact Morven Russell on +44 (0) 1688 302 620 or email her.

HWDT in the Press

2015 HWDT Media Activity

Published: 24/02/2016

Full list of articles and coverage from 2015

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2014 HWDT Media Activity

Published: 24/02/2016

Full list of articles and coverage from 2014

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2013 HWDT Media Activity

Published: 17/02/2014

Full list of articles and coverage from 2013

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Press Releases

Stranded Scottish Orca Identified as Lulu, January 2016

Published: 01/03/2016

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Minke whale baby boom off Scotland's west coast? Nov 2015

Published: 23/02/2016

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Humpback whale spotted in western Scotland's Firth of Clyde, July 2015

Published: 23/02/2016

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Expeditions to study doubling of common dolphins in the Hebrides, April 2015

Published: 23/02/2016

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Hebridean harbour porpoise sightings rise - but basking shark sightings fall, February 2015

Published: 23/02/2016

Sightings summary from the 2014 field season aboard Silurian, HWDTs research yacht

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Famous solitary dolphin travels from Ireland to Scotland, December 2014

Published: 23/02/2016

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Scotland's first full humpback whale post mortem for Mull's first stranding of iconic species, June 2014

Published: 30/06/2014

Scotland's first full post mortem of a humpback whale, found dead at Fishnish on the Isle of Mull this week, was carried out yesterday by veterinary pathologists with the assistance of conservation charity Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust.

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First whale week festival spotlights western Scotland's internationally important marine life, June 2014

Published: 03/06/2014

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Hebridean expeditions to study killer whales, May 2014

Published: 07/05/2014

HWDT has launched the 2014 survey season, with one of its aims being to collect more information about the West Coast Community of orca.

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Surveys show need to conserve western Scotland's healthy seas, December 2013

Published: 23/02/2016

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Sperm Whale in Oban Bay, April 2013

Published: 23/02/2016

Article about the male sperm whale that spent almost a week in Oban Bay in spring 2013

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Pioneering marine research surveys in the Hebrides announced, April 2013

Published: 23/02/2016

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The Hebrides best kept secret - featued on BBC The One Show, Jan 2013

Published: 14/02/2013

Information about the mini-series due to air on BBC The One Show in January which features the West Coast Community of orca.

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Silurian - 10 Years of Achievement, Nov 2012

Published: 14/02/2013

Read about the 10 years of Silurian surveying efforts.

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Rare Pygmy Sperm whale strands on Seil Island, October 2011

Published: 14/12/2011

Read about the stranding of a rare Pygmy Sperm whale on Seil Island and the ensuing investigations.

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Northern Bottlenose Whale sighted off Skye, September 2011

Published: 14/12/2011

Read about a very rare encounter with 2 Northern Bottlenose whales by a group on a Wildlife boat trip.

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Sperm whale sighted off Skye, September 2011

Published: 14/12/2011

Read about this amazing sighting of a Sperm whale off Skye and its unusual markings.

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Another Leatherback turtle spotted in the Hebrides, September 2011

Published: 14/12/2011

Read about an exciting sighting of another Leatherback turtle.

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Leatherback turtle spotted suring survey, June 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about the encounter with a massive leatherback turtle by researchers and volunteers onboard Silurian.

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Exciting new marine wildlife project launched, May 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about the new 'Marine Biodiversity Awareness For All' project, recently launched by HWDT.

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Join Gordon Buchanan whale watching, April 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about the exciting opportunity to join Gordon Buchanan whale watching with Mull based wildlife cruises Sea Life Surveys.


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Britain's last 'resident' orca pod, January 2010

Published: 12/01/2010

Read about the last 'resident' killer whale pod in the UK.  After a long term study there have been some very interesting conclusions about the Hebridean orca. 

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First 'Summer visitors' are reported to HWDT, March 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about the early arrival of basking sharks, common dolphins and minke whale in 2011.

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Bottlenose dolphins delight in first report, March 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about the first sighting of bottlenose dolphins in 2011, right beside HWDTs offices in Tobermory Bay!!

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HWDT Spring Clean in Tobermory, March 2011

Published: 09/06/2011

Read about HWDT participating in the national Keep Scotland Beautiful Campaign which encourages local people to help clean up their area.

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Destructive jellyfish spotted off Mull coast, October 2009

Published: 20/10/2009

Read about the most recent sighting of the mauve stinger jellyfish off the coast of Mull.  In 2007, the last time the jellyfish was seen in any great numbers, great devastation was caused to many fish farms.

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Rare treat for cetacean researchers, July 2009

Published: 02/07/2009

Read about the fantastic encounter with a humpback whale while Silurian and her crew were surveying between South Uist and the Isle of Coll.

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The WiSe way to watch dolphins, August 2009

Published: 26/08/2009

Read about the common dolphins who have temporarily taken up residence in Oban Bay.  The information includes a few tips to watch cetaceans responsibly.  

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Bottlenose whale perishes in Loch, October 2008

Published: 28/01/2009

Read about the unfortunate death of the northern bottlenose whale in Loch Eil, near Fort William.

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Scotland's secret dolphins, December 2008

Published: 28/01/2009

Read about the relatively small bottlenose dolphin population found in the Hebrides.

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Scotland's whales at risk from military exercises, May 2009

Published: 22/05/2009

Read about the unusual behaviour of minke whales noted during a research survey which coincided with a NATO military exercise in the Minch.   Produced by HWDT and WDCS (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society).

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Rare whales cause traffic jams, September 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the sightings of northern bottlenose whales in Loch Scridain and Loch Eil.

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Team building and corporate tourism in the Hebrides, September 2008

Published: 10/02/2009

Released to offer information to corporate companies about the opportunity of joining HWDT on board Silurian for team building activities.

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Watch out for whales and dolphins, June 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about HWDTs involvement in the National Whale and Dolphin Watch (NWDW).

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Bearded seal on Mull, May 2008

Published: 30/10/2008

Read more about the unusal appearance of a bearded seal in Loch na Keal, off the west coast of Mull.

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Military threat to whales, May 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the possible effect that military sonar has on cetaceans.

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Beach clean highlights rubbish issue, May 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about HWDT's beach clean event for Beachwatch 2007, an event co-ordinated by the Marine Conservation Society.

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Rare whales strand in the Hebrides, March 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the multiple strandings of rare beaked whales in the Hebrides during February and March 2008.

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Stranded dolphins, February 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the cetacean strandings in February 2008, what we can learn from them and the importance of HWDT's Community Sightings Network.

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Student volunteering week, February 2008

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the opportunities available to volunteers.

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Unusual jellyfish bloom, November 2007

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the large blooms of the mauve stinger jellyfish that spread over vast areas of the west coast of Scotland and Ireland.

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Survey season 2007

Published: 21/11/2008

Read about the highlights of the 2007 research season on Silurian.

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