Join HWDT and help safeguard the future of the Hebridean marine environment
Join HWDT and help safeguard the future of the Hebridean marine environment
HWDT visits schools across the west coast of Scotland to champion the special diversity of its marine life
HWDT visits schools across the west coast of Scotland to champion the special diversity of its marine life
Our research yacht, Silurian, travels thousands of nautical miles each year, monitoring Hebridean seas, collecting data to create a better understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoises
Our research yacht, Silurian, travels thousands of nautical miles each year, monitoring Hebridean seas, collecting data to create a better understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoises


We are passionate about enhancing knowledge and understanding of Scotland's whales, dolphins and porpoises (collectively known as cetaceans) through a programme of locally-based education and high quality research and monitoring.  We work to ensure cetaceans are protected and valued throughout the Hebrides. As a small locally-based organisation we need your help to continue this vital work.

Join today and make a real difference with your subscription while enjoying the benefits of being a member of HWDT.

What can your money do?

  • £2 a month means our team can continue to sail the Hebrides surveying for whales and dolphins.
  • £4 a month will allow us to visit a remote island community to promote this special marine environment.
  • £10 a month provides a day on board our floating classroom, Silurian, for local schoolchildren. Your support is vital to helping us achieve our goal and we couldn’t do it without our dedicated members

Join today and get a free membership pack:

  • A copy of our online magazine, Wave (twice a year)
  • A monthly HWDT email newsletter
  • Hebridean whale and dolphin ID guide
  • HWDT window sticker and pen
  • 10% discount on Silurian expeditions
  • HWDT jute shopping bag

With your support we can continue working to protect Hebridean whales, dolphins and porpoises.


Monthly Membership Subscription
Monthly Donation

Annual Membership Subscription
Annual Donation