Get Involved

Welcome to the ‘Get Involved’ section of the website

In this section you will find information on the many ways that you can support the work of HWDT. As a small charity, HWDT relies on the generosity of its supporters to continue our research and engagement project work to ensure the conservation of our whales, dolphins, and porpoises in their natural marine environment. Even the smallest contribution can make a huge difference.

Participate in a Cetacean Research Survey

Paying volunteers are essential to the work of the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. We welcome volunteers to join us aboard our research vessel, Silurian; collecting data on cetacean (and basking shark and seal) species in the Hebrides, contributing to a better understanding both locally and internationally. We run Standard Monitoring Surveys (for those aged 18 or older), dedicated Teen Team Surveys (for those aged 16 and 17) and Joint Warrior Surveys (monitoring any effects of the massive NATO military exercise in the Hebrides).

Residential Volunteering

We offer a number of voluntary placements over the field season, inviting recruits to join the team in Tobermory and get involved with our operations. These placements off graduates and those looking for a career change, the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the activities of a conservation NGO; including time aboard our research vessel, Silurian, time in our Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Centre and time sent on dedicated projects.

Student Projects

HWDT receives many requests from students enquiring about the use of the Trusts comprehensive dataset in their thesis/dissertations. Please click on the link above to read the guidelines before enquiring about undertaking a project using HWDT resources.


Become a friend of HWDT today, enjoy the fantastic benefits and make a real difference to the conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises.

Sponsor a whale or dolphin

Help safeguard a Hebridean whale or dolphin for future generations by sponsoring your chosen minke whale, bottlenose dolphin or killer whale.

Donate to HWDT

Support HWDT and contribute to the conservation of Hebridean whales, dolphins and porpoises by donating money or equipment.

Online Shop

Browse our online shop and pick up something for yourself or someone special.  All monies raised through the online shop will feed directly into our research and engagement programmes.   

Corporate Support

HWDTs corporate support scheme helps us delivers tangible research and education results. HWDT is delighted to work with environmentally responsible companies and is grateful for their support.


Keep up to date with news from HWDT with our e-newsletter.


If you have special memories of whales, dolphins and porpoises or the west coast of Scotland, please consider leaving HWDT a gift in your legacy. 

Other Ways to Help

Find out how to make small changes to your everyday lifestyle that will greatly improve our seas and protect marine wildlife for future generations.