Killer Whale Photo-ID Catalogue

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001 John Coe

001 John Coe (Left)

001 John Coe (Right)

001 John Coe

This male was first catalogued in 1992 and has been seen regularly in the area ever since. A large, distinctive notch in his dorsal fin makes him easy to identify. John Coe is often seen with another distinctive individual called Floppy Fin. Recent photos sent to the Trust show him swimming off the coast of Ireland.

002 Floppy Fin

002 Floppy Fin (Left)

002 Floppy Fin (Right)

002 Floppy Fin

Floppy Fin is a male killer whale with a very distinctive dorsal fin that 'flops' over to the left. He was first catalogued in 1992 and has been seen around the Hebrides for many years. In wild killer whales, this condition is thought to be genetic and is considered rare. Floppy Fin is often seen with two of our other catalogued killer whale, John Coe and Nicola, an adult female.

003 Nicola

003 Nicola (Left)

003 Nicola (Right)

003 Nicola

Nicola is a female killer whale who is sometimes seen with John Coe and Floppy Fin. She was first catalogued in 1992 and has been seen regularly in the Hebrides ever since.

004 Moon

004 Moon (Left)

004 Moon (Right)

004 Moon

Moon is a male killer whale first catalogued by HWDT in 1992. He has a moon-shaped nick in his dorsal fin, which identifies him from the other males. It is thought that Moon perished in 2008.

005 Comet

005 Comet (Left)

005 Comet (Right)

005 Comet

Comet is a male killer whale who was first catalogued by HWDT in 1998. His dorsal fin, which can stand up to 2 metres high in adult male killer whale, has a distinctive shape and a small nick towards the tip. The saddle patch, which is the grey/white coloured patch on a killer whale's back behind the dorsal fin, can also be used to identify individuals.

006 Lulu

006 Lulu (Left)

006 Lulu (Right)

006 Lulu

Lulu is a female killer whale who was first catalogued by HWDT in 1995. The tip of Lulu's dorsal fin is more pointy than the other females in our catalogue.

Lulu was found dead on the island of Tiree in Janurary 2016.

007 Moneypenny

007 Moneypenny (Left)

007 Moneypenny (Right)

007 Moneypenny

Moneypenny is a female killer whale first catalogued in 2004. She has since been seen in 2007 and 2009. Female killer whale's dorsal fins are much smaller than those of the males.

008 Aquarius

008 Aquarius (Left)

008 Aquarius (Right)

008 Aquarius

Aquarius is an adult male killer whale who was first catalogued in 2004 and has been seen since then in 2009 and 2012.

009 Puffin

009 Puffin (Left)

009 Puffin (Right)

009 Puffin

Puffin is a female killer whale who was first catalogued by HWDT in 2000. She has been sighted a couple of times since then.

010 Occasus

010 Occasus (Left)

010 Occasus (Right)

010 Occasus

Occasus is a female killer whale first catalogued by HWDT in 2005 and seen again in 2009.  She was named as part of a competition run by BBC Wildlife in summer 2011.