Secondary School Resources

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Marine Litter


The resources provided in this pack are taken from the Marine Litter Education Resource CD-ROM, written and produced by HWDT.

The main aim of this resource is to raise awareness and provide information about the issue of marine litter. The future health of the world's oceans lies in the hands of today's young people. We believe that by educating your students about the issue of marine litter you will be contributing to safeguard our marine environment of the future.

These resources are interdisciplinary in nature and the subject areas and skills which are included in the activities are highlighted in the background notes for each activity. The activities incorporate approaches of teaching and learning which will enable students to develop as effective contributors, responsible citizens, confident individuals and successful learners - the purposes of the Curriculum for Excellence.

The resource CD was produced by HWDT, with assistance from the GRAB Trust, and generously funded by Leader WHELK, SNH, WWF, HLF and HIE Argyll and the Islands.

Activity One: What are the different types of marine litter?

Card sorting activity
- This activity aims to develop an understanding of the different types of marine litter. Students will identify and discuss different types of marine litter. They will work in small groups to discuss their ideas and develop their thinking skills by completing these activities. Students will compare marine litter found at sea and on beaches and start to draw conclusions about any differences which they observe. (78KB)

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Activity Two: What does HWDT's data tell us about floating litter?

Data activity - For students to develop enquiry skills. Students will develop skill at analysing and interpreting data and related information, will use evidence to hypothesise and draw conclusions, will link ideas and concepts, develop knowledge and understanding of marine litter in Hebridean waters and learn about one example of research in the field of marine science. This activity is designed especially for older or higher ability students. (2.7MB)

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Activity Two: Data set (17KB)

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Activity Three: Why is there so much beach litter on Loch Buie beach, Mull?

Mystery and card sorting activity - In this task students will attempt to explain why so much beach litter is washed up on Loch Buie beach, Isle of Mull. Students will consider and learn about the sources of marine litter and the physical and human factors which combine to concentrate litter in certain beach locations. This mystery will encourage students to develop thinking and enquiry skills and, if followed by the extended writing task (Activity Four), will develop literacy skills. (76KB)

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Activity Four: What are the impacts of marine litter on man and wildlife?

Classification and extended writing activity - For students to learn about the impacts of marine litter on man and wildlife. Students will work in groups to discuss this environmental issue and develop skills at classifying information. The second activity follows on from the first activity and is designed to develop literacy skills. This task is for students to write a piece of extended writing about the impacts of marine litter. (70KB)

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Activity Five: Should a sewage works be built in Lochgranter?

Enquiry - This activity aims to develop enquiry skills. Students will discuss an issue (the proposed development of a sewage works) and consider different viewpoints about the issue. They will justify their decisions about the range of viewpoints and come to reasoned conclusions about whether the proposed sewage works should go ahead. They will work both collaboratively and independently. (116KB)

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Activity Six: Where did the ducks, frogs and turtles escape to?

Mapping activity - Students will map the journey of thousands of bath toys which were lost from a cargo ship at sea. The toys floated around the world's oceans following ocean currents. They will develop knowledge of location, ocean currents and mapping skills and will also learn about the impacts of marine litter. (4.5MB)

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Activity Six: World map (582KB)

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Activity Seven: What can we do about marine litter?

Card sorting activity - To understand the different actions that can be taken to reduce or stop marine litter. Students will learn how individuals, businesses, council/governments can act to reduce marine litter. (56KB)

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