Basking shark
Basking shark

Monthly Sightings Reports

HWDT’s Community Sightings Network encourages residents, local wildlife operators and visitors to the area to report their sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises to HWDT. This information is important because it contributes to our understanding of where and when particular species occur. Report your sighting HERE.

Each month HWDT publishes a summary report of the sightings recorded via our Community Sightings Network. In summer we receive the greatest number of sightings while winter is a quiet time. This is partly due to the number of species present but also reflects the sea state and number of people on the water watching for whales, dolphins and porpoises. In winter, fewer people are watching and the sea state more frequently makes sightings difficult, or even impossible. Also non-resident species have migrated for the winter. At this time of year HWDT receives more strandings reports than at other time as storms can wash animals ashore. These seasonal variations will be reflected in our reports.

Select the monthly report you wish to view from the panel on the left of this page.

April 2010

Sightings are now being reported once again after a long winter. As the sea slowly warms up and productivity increases, whales and dolphins will begin to move into the area to feed.

April got off to a good start with two confirmed minke whale sightings within 3 days (10th and 13th April) in the Ardnamurchan area, Sound of Mull. However, following an optimistic start to the month, there were no further sightings of minke whales for April. This is a little disappointing as the whales are usually back to feed in higher numbers around the west coast at this time of year.

Bottlenose dolphins were more numerous and were seen on five occasions this month. Four of the five sightings were around Mull whilst the other sighting was made earlier on in the month a bit further south, between the Isle of Arran and Skipness. For the Mull sightings, there were two sightings on the same day at An Doirlinn (Firth of Lorn) and later at Duart Bay which might have been the same group of six dolphins as the sightings were just a few hours apart from each other. Later in the month there was a group of five seen in the Sound of Iona and another, larger, group of twelve at Grass Point.

A group of 6 unidentified dolphins was seen at Loch Eishort on the south-west end of the Isle of Skye.

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